Two sisters from the Itireleng informal settlement near Laudium, Pretoria, facing five counts of culpable homicide and child neglect were remanded on Tuesday as they were unable to pay bail under discussion in court.
Former state security minister Ayanda Dlodlo has painted a bleak picture of how the dire situation faced by many South Africans is a threat to national security.
these prohibitive possessors, and when you look at new york and chicago, chicago, illinois, the same thing, chicago new york, the strictest gun laws with the lowest prosecution rates for felony gun crimes, it was tweeting about it earlier today, but that s a problem, it s politicians that don t actually enforce the law that reduced penalties and in some cases, numerous in chicago and new york where they don t even go after her prosecutions for repeat offenders with felony possession in the first place and that is what is driving this crime. that s what it s doing it, not law-abiding gun owners. mark: if you subscribe to the broken windows theory as people did 30 years ago it is the elimination of any attempt to prosecute or investigate low rates of poverty crime, so for example you can walk in the stores as they are doing in new york and just take merchandise from the shelves and