BATHEALTON 03/21/0006: Erection of 1 No. log cabin to be used as agricultural workers accommodation on land at Yeancott Farm, Road Hill, Bathealton
BISHOPS HULL 05/21/0031/T: Application to fell one Poplar tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Bishops Hull No.3) Tree Preservation Order 1997 at Manor Nursing Home, Haydon Lane, Bishops Hull (TD702) 05/21/0032/T: Notification to fell a group of coniferous trees (G11), to re-pollard 3 Maple trees and to carry out management works to 2 Maples, one Elder, one Sorbus and a mixed group (G3) within Bishops Hull Conservation Area at Manor Nursing Home, Haydon Close, Bishops Hull 05/21/0033/T: Notification to carry out management works to one mixed group (G9) of trees within Bishops Hull Conservation Area at Manor Nursing Home, Haydon Close, Bishops Hull
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BISHOPS HULL 05/21/0015: Erection of a single storey extension to the rear and erection of boundary wall at 9 Daws Mead, Bishops Hull 05/21/0016: Change of use of 1 No. residential dwelling into a house of multiple occupancy with 10 No. bedrooms and associated works with provision of refuse recycling and cycle storage facilities at Springfield, 18 Wellington New Road, Taunton 05/21/0017: Erection of a single storey extension to the side of 70 Quartly Drive, Bishops Hull
BISHOPS LYDEARD 06/21/0020: Replacement of conservatory with the erection of a single storey extension to the rear of 37 Greenway, Bishops Lydeard