of an original group of 15. the course includes a 12 mile march with an 80 pound backpack and several other combat related tests. the three graduates will move on to nonenfan friday jobs. women of course have been afternoon proved to assume cam bat rules, but the military is reviewing what specific roles they will be. regardless of state law, marijuana remains illegal under federal law. that s why what happened in colorado is worth watching. federal authorities haven t been totally passive about it. government a littles raided multiple marijuana dispensaries just 60s weeks before the first retail shops opened their doors. at least a dozen are located right in the denver area. they were based on potential violations of justice department federal guidelines which apply to states where marijuana laws have been loosened. those concern money laundering, out of state trafficking and distribution to minors.
their daughter s 37 pound backpack to worry about, karen healy says islam is taking over in her children s schools. i looked through the children s textbooks and started noticing how they slanted towards the certain religions. when your children went to public school, was it your impression that muslim students were treated differently from students of other religions. there were certain privileges given to the muslim students, when it came to their fasting before ramadan they were taken into different rooms during lunch time, that was one reason why i chose to put my daughter molly back into a parochial school. did you raise it with the school. i did. and they say. they said it was teaching tolerance and i was being intolerant. out of 307 million americans, 1.8 million identify themselves as muslim-americans. that is less than 1% of the population.
now this week in royal wedding news. weeks away from his wedding, william had a visitor. it was his grandmother, queen elizabeth ii. he gave her majesty the tour of the rescue helicopter, which he operates in her name. william s best man, prince harry is in siberia. dragging a 200 pound backpack to the upper circle. speaking of brain freeze, an english sports betting firm is offering 38 to 1 odds that prince harry will forget to take the couple s rings to westminster abbey on the big