The Pine Island Potters Guild is looking forward to a full season of monthly shows and sales in the courtyard of Koucky Studios. November’s show will be held
There's more to friendship fun in Montreal than coffee catch-ups and movie marathons. The city is full of DIY workshops, culinary classes, and art studios for you to craft new traditions. Whether it's sharing paint-splattered aprons, clay-caked hands, or freshly baked cupcakes, the thrill of creation can become a bonding ritual in its own right. So, no more settling for canned content or caffeine-based confabs. Here are some ways to stir up mischief, make a mess, and create memories, all in the name of quality time with your buds.
Anxiety and stress from their fast-paced work life, the effects of the pandemic or the hunt for a job are driving young people in China to join meditation retreats in temples or adopt simple pursuits such as pottery classes.