build the martin luther king monument on the banks of the potomac river in washington. i was honored to break ground and stood there with his family, sons and daughters and ambassador young and john lewis and reverend jesse jackson. ten years ago today we gathered as we announced that this monument was open. ten years ago today that monument to martin luther king was erected. i remember in hours like this, martin luther king said we must build out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope. so as i and others try to push president biden and others, we do it with the hope that we know even in dark days, things can
virtue not just for marines that fought in hiroshima but just the like the rest of the memorial. it s dedicated to all of the maence over the country even though marines dates back to when our country was founded. so this is reflective of all the marines that have ever served and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to our country. normally this place has over a million visitors a year, about a million and a half people come to the u.s. marine corps, war memorial annually. most of those people are on a patriotic pilgrimage to washington, d.c. so you see a lot of tour buses that come to the u.s. marine corps war memorial. griff: they come because they know it s an iconic monument but those who haven t visited, why do you believe it s iconic? all you have to do take one minute to look at the place and have the background of the the national mall, the backdrop of the national mall with the flag that flies 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. the photo that turned into the statute of
the party lines. they re often quickly forgotten messaging. but democrats are threatening to bypass senate committees and short circuit the process and unilaterally force this radical vision onto the american people as-is. republicans are certainly not on board given that statement. some democrats may not be thrilled because not everything that the president campaigned on was included within this budget and that s going to include the elimination of some of the student loan debt talked about through much of 2020. as for the presidents spending his holiday weekend in wilmington, delaware and back in d.c. to mark memorial day and next week another chance for him to hit a message on the economy. we re going to get another jobs report on friday and alicia, that could be crucial if they force lawmakers to get on board that more stimulus is needed. mark meredith. thank you. a chilly unofficial start to
photo, february 23rd, 1945. it is their memory that is so important on this memorial day as we honor the ultimate sacrifice of all the brave men and women who have fought and died for our freedom. it comes on a cold and rainy day here in washington, about 50 degrees but the flag still flies. so will it be a washout here in the nation s capitol and eastern sea board or we will get a glimpse of sunshine this weekend. meteorologist adam klotz has your forecast. adam: i wanted it to be beautiful, unofficial start of summer, not just dc but large portion across the country, these are current temperatures, 50 s and 60 s, a big trough
faced with a new situation they might not have expected they ll be able to succeed. griff: not to put you on the spot. it s memorial day weekend. you served and who would you like to remember. pa maloney, eric christianson, a few that passed. griff: we thank them and their loved ones for the sacrifice and thank you for being here today. thank you. griff: the colonel from the marine barracks washington commanding officer. back to you. that was such a beautiful conversation there and people can take away so much from it, especially when he talked about the lessons that he wants to impart on the future generations of marines. but they re all lessons that we could all use and pass onto the younger generations including