The Kerala High Court on Thursday directed the State to forthwith provide adequate number of toilets and drinking water facilities to the tribal families in Pothugal, Vazhikadavu, and Karulai villages.
Nominal Index [Citations: 2023 LiveLaw (Ker) 377-397]National Insurance Co Ltd v. Jareesh & Ors 2023 LiveLaw (Ker) 377Zulu Haris v. Union of India & Ors. 2023 LiveLaw (Ker) 378Deepak K. Balakrishnan v.
The Kerala High Court on Thursday directed the State to come out with steps to ensure that education of tribal children and medical facilities for tribal families in Pothugal, Vazhikadavu, and Karulai.
The Kerala High Court on Monday directed the State authorities to provide basic facilities such as food, drinking water and medical treatment to the tribal families in Pothugal, Vazhikadavu, and.