he has three words of advice today for the obama white house to try to salvage the party s chances of victory in 2012. those words, fire, indict and fight. james carville is joining us now. james, you created quite a stir in this article you ve written for cnn.com. let me read a couple of lines. among other things you say, what should the white house do now? one word came to mind, panic. this is what i would say to president barack obama. the time has come to demand a plan of action that requires a complete change from the direction you are headed. what are you talking about? well, simply this. we lost two elections tuesday night. we lost 65 elections in november. it s sliding back. macroeconomics say there is 1/3 chance we are going into recession. you look how crazy the opposition party is cheering death. this is not working, not politically, economically or anything. bring in a new team and indicate to people you get it, they understand you were dealt a tough hand, b
presidential politics, the more he speaks the more people including many republicans ask this question. by so aggressively appealing to the republican base, is governor perry undermining his appeal as a general election candidate? this comment in new hampshire questioning man s role in global warming is new fodder tonight for the perry electability rate. i think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling in to their projects. and i think we re seeing it almost weekly or even daily scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that manmade global warming is what is causing the climate to change. here s another comment from perry today that is suspect when put to the fact check test. what six weeks ago the president went to el paso and says the border is safer than it s ever been. i have no idea. i mean, maybe he was talking about the canadian border. and generating the most heat is
and in part because of the president s travels to the midwest and in part because of the new energy that texas governor rick perry is adding to the republican race. wednesday governor perry visited new hampshire, and while it s clear he s the flavor of the moment in presidential politics, the more he speaks, the more people, including many republicans, ask this question by so aggressively appealing to the republican base, is governor perry undermining his appeal as a general election candidate? this comment in new hampshire questioning man s role in global warming is new fodder tonight for the perry electability debate. i think that there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling in to their projects. and i think we re seeing it almost weekly or even daily scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that manmade global warming is what is causing the climate to change. here s another co
the steam that would be released from a large break was supposed to be condensed and by the water in the suppression pool, in the large structure. and the concern was that if the structure failed as a result of these unconsidered loads, you would lose containment, which they may have continue at one of the fukushima plants now. and i would also lose the source of cooling water for the reactor core. so the the thing that was of potential trouble is you could have a core meltdown. an uncontrolled release of radioactive material. it sounds to me what you re describing is what s happening in terms of the loss of coolant and the overheating the result. am i being oversimplicity sonic is your fear what s been oversimplistic, or is your fear what s been happening?
violence an august they gave a year deadline for a final middle east peace and, 4 months passed and 8 months to go and you are predicting more potential trouble to come? the administration strategy for two years has been flawed and has not gotten any better and i think for a number of reasons have simply focused on the wrong issues. the broader question of iran s pursuit of nuclear weapons, sponsorship of terrorists, like hamas and the gaza strip, like hezbollah and lebanon, clearly much more threatening to peace and security in the region, than the status of the palestinians. and as i say, i think the impending indictments which most observers expect in weeks, perhaps days in the hariri assassination could be the spark that sets the region aflame again. eric: the administration talked about having the dialogue with iran and it has not gone far. let s look at a quote in the washington post, in foreign policy. mrs. clinton tried to meet with this foreign minister, secretary