shooting, yet again, that left five people dead including an eight-year-old child. we are keeping an eye on breaking weather news as well, around the country including the growing flooding threat along the mississippi river. plus, mike pence grilled, the latest on the hours he spent before the special counsel s grand jury. and the woman accusing donald trump of sexual assault defamation stands up to the former president s lawyers in a blistering cross examination. plus, this. when i have had friends who have taken their lives because of these bills. i have fielded calls from families in montana. including one family who s trans teenager attempted to take her life while watching a hearing on one of the anti-trans bills. so when i rose up and said there is blood on your hands, i was not being hyperbolic. i was speaking to the real consequences of the votes that we as legislators take in this body. i will be joined by montana state representative, is that we zephyr, after he
after of montana. we thank you again. great to talk, to you zoe coming up, everybody, our next, our other two neural hero, who saved his schoolmates from potential tragedy. it was all caught on camera. and then, president biden preparing to take part in a fully revived washington ritual, the white house correspondents dinner tonight, where presidents decide out. but, also take it. we let me just, say mr., president the office is taking its toll on. you look terrible, mister president. now, you do. i, mean look at your hair. it s so white, it tried to punch me at a temp rally. punch me at a temp rally. right. nooo. nooo. nooo. quick, the quicker picker upper! when you gotta get it done, one sheet is all you need. and bounty is 2x more absorbent so you can use less and get the job done with one.
we re flooded with information. so you automatically click on it. if you read through it, halfway through it, you may not know until especially if you re busy or tired or if you re stressed out. you may not know what you re reading is fabricated. i think that is such a problem today as 60 minutes has done a huge public service by pointing out. eric: james, the story are unbelievable. the pedophile hillary clinton sex ring that caused a potential tragedy. the shooter down there. can this be stopped, how do people determine what is fake and not real and what is legitimate? well, it s hard to stop fake news if you re going to have an open, free society like we have. this is not really new. if you go back, the founders were driven crazy by what others would write about them. but they decided the anecdote is