This is hardtalk. A quarter of lebanons population are Syrian Refugees, which is putting the countrys infrastructure and resources under increasing strain. The party of my guests, Ghassan Hasbani says he wants to send them home. Some leading politicalfigures there are calling for the refugees to be sent home. But since some in the government have ruled out talking directly to president assad, how can they be sure any returning refugees would be safe . Ghassan hasbani, welcome and thank you for being with us. After one and a half million syrians have sought refuge in your country. About a quarter of your population. How big a threat those that represent . M quarter of your population. How big a threat those that represent . It is a threat those that represent . It is a huge economic and social burden. Lebanon welcomed all these syrians at the beginning, given the humanitarian situation as they were in. After a while, several years on, the numbers have increased significantly and they ha
Sabtu, 10 Juli 2021 05:22 WIB
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Logo Petronas l Menara kembar Petronas terlihat di belakang sebuah SPBU Petronas di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, beberapa waktu lalu. Saat ini Petronas sedang mengerjakan proyek pengeboran migas di lepas pantai Sarawak yang berpotensi memicu kemelut dengan Tiongkok.
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KUALA LUMPUR - Sebuah lembaga pemikir yang bermarkas di Amerika Serikat (AS), Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) dalam laporan yang dirilis pekan ini menyatakan bahwa armada kapal penjaga pantai Tiongkok sejak awal Juni telah mengusik proyek migas Malaysia di lepas pantai Sarawak yang ada di wilayah perairan Laut Tiongkok Selatan (LTS).