ryan and majority leader mitch mcconnell. despite all that, white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders insists he has a fine relationship with republican leadership. look, i think the relationships are fine. president trump has worked with leader mcconnell to reach out to other members and to work on those shared goals. we re going to continue to do that when the senate comes back from recess. reporter: they re still hoping to take on an ambitious plan to overhaul the tax system and planning on releasing more details next week. and in spite of trump s grumbling tweets, huckabee sanders says they do expect congress to raise the debt ceiling with relatively little fanfare and without attaching anything along with it. back to you guys. all right. with that in mind, what s next on the busy agenda? just a little thing called tax reform, the debt ceiling, a potential shutdown, funding the budget. we ll get into that next. it s our back to school beeone cent evente. at office de
and raise revenue we need to not have deficits. that s what we need. the president s proposal is just a pr issue where he is saying we will cut taxes with no real fiscal responsibility. let me ask you something. the president tweeted, democrats want to shutdown the government if we don t bailout puerto rico. is that true? are you threatening to shutdown the government? not at all. we don t control the congress. we don t have the house or senate or white house. republicans should have passed it last oktctober. democrats will not shutdown government. hopefully we will get this resolved. we should have had a budget before now. we are prepared to work with republicans in order to fund government. all right. that s good. people are going to keep their eye on what is happening on friday. we want to know what is driving any type of potential shutdown.
verification system mandatory for all employers. is this the bill that can go forward now, lynn? is this a bill that can get out of house? not in the form it s in right now. one of the things i think the house may do is break it up into pieces. they have got to put their own signature on it for political reasons. i think you ll see different coe legs being billed upon different elements of the bill. for dream act provisions illegally in the country through no fault of their own. that s the starting point now. the democrats did draft a bill. i think in this new climate post this shutdown but pre the next potential shutdown there will be people from both sides of the aisle looking to form coalitions they can brag good. you wrote in st usa today tt
achievement being obamacare, his health care law. and this shutdown itself, this potential shutdown, is likely to be catastrophic, because not a single appropriations bill has been passed, has it? no. you re exactly right. actually, we were trying to find a better impact about exactly how people are affected by this. there are numerous ways to see how the impact will take place tomorrow, if, in fact, there is a government shutdown. we have talked about the hundreds of thousands of furloughs, the ious that some would receive instead of paychecks. but there are also smaller individuals that are being affected by this, as well. we spoke to one family in the boston area that s flying out west in the next couple of days where they re supposed to be doing a national park tour. that obviously will be impacted. there s an air force family that we have had conversations with today. this family has three children. they re expecting their fourth soon and for the airman, he told us basically t
lack of a better word. our political system is broken. that s why ted cruz can emerge as a star because he can outflank everyone and play presidential politics right now. listen, the last congressman who was on said there s supposed to be some kind of separation between senate and the house. ted cruz has demolished that. he s been directing the ways in which the house republicans are going to respond around the government shutdown. bill, just before we go i do want to ask you about this dcc thing we just got. the detective congressional committee already sending out e-mail to raise money for a rapid response fund. it would seem as if now democrats are trying to politicize a potential shutdown as well. trying to raise money off of a shutdown. they both are. the republicans are trying to raise money on it also. this has got passions boiling. the congressman reported all of these calls from people who were