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clock, bottles, leaf)
Oral History: How a Potential Prohibition Caused Chaos in Denver
For three hours last March, it appeared liquor stores and recreational dispensaries would be closed for the foreseeable future. Cue the panic. Shane Monaghan •
It all started with a bad joke. “As much as I might think [alcohol] is essential for me,” Mayor Michael Hancock said during a March 23, 2020, press conference announcing a stay-at-home order for Denver County, “it’s not essential for everyone.” Minutes earlier, the city attorney had explained that liquor stores and recreational dispensaries would temporarily shutter, starting the next day at 5 p.m., as part of the city’s COVID-19 response. So, the mayor continued, people should stock up before prohibition went into effect. The wild scene that ensued forced the administration to reverse the ill-considered decision after only a matter of hours. To toast the one-year ann