operation by the internet research agency focused on social media. both with the same object of interfering in our election and trying to help donald trump and hurt hillary clinton. but you also have the russians probing and exfill traiting data from voter registration bases going into a vendor for the software provided to voting systems. and seeking to obtain that software with the potential aim in the future of intervening more heavily and finally, you have this very direct reference on july 27th, including the time in which the time of day in which the russians for the first time go after a clinton server, really seeming to heed the call that day of donald trump to hack hillary clinton s e-mails. and that s very interesting to me because why do you include that but exclude any mention of the russians telling pap
that from the fact that the president hasn t come out and said that russia hacked the election. i mean, these things are joined, and i don t think the congress trusts him on russia, period, end of sentence. there had been questions about whether he understood the boundaries of the justice branch and now legislative. good point on that. i m coming back to you. also, we re learning today the administration is taking on two big issues today, one on this immigration event we mentioned a second ago where the white house is arguing they want to switch to this skill-based immigration system. there was also reporting out of the new york times today that the department of justice, speaking of that branch, looking to challenge race-based admission programs at colleges and universities, meaning with the potential aim of protecting white applicants from discrimination. my question to you is, why is he so blatantly playing to his base and might part of this be does he sense trouble looming in t