Low blood pressure or hypotension is a very common condition most people suffer from. And like high blood pressure, if not diagnosed and treated well in time, it can lead to dangerous and life-threatening situations. According to experts, most people do not get to know the symptoms, making it undetected. Read on to know a few common, yet sneaky signs you must not ignore. , Health News, Times Now
A doctor said that postural hypotension is commonly seen in elderly people, people with prolonged diabetes/hypertension, or those who are on multiple other medications. TheHealthSite.com
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Auctioneer Hugh Edmeades collapses at IPL 2022 mega auction, all you need to know about postural hypotension - Orthostatic hypotension, also known as postural hypotension, is a type of low blood pressure that occurs when you rise from a seated or lying position