heather: a trailblazer philanthropist grabs the internet s attention in the search for missing marine last seen two weeks ago. his twitter-based benefit helped people all across the country, decided to get involved, posting a $30,000 reward for information in the case. he joined us to talk about how he is using social media for good. thanks for coming on with us. my pleasure. heather: you are doing a lot of great work. let s begin with the case of this missing marine. bring us up-to-date on what the family is saying. veterans become back, we have 22 suicide today for ptsd and otherwise and put a stop to it. this beautiful marine was
he indicated today that that maybe something he did in order to give witnesses cover to cooperate with his committee. breaking news tonight. thank you so much. congressman steve king. posting a meme to facebook. to his facebook page claiming red states would beat blue states in a modern day civil war. it gets more offensive from there. eals, family reunion attendance is up. we re all related! yeah, i see it. and because priceline offers great deals by comparing thousands of prices in real time, sports fans are seeing more away games. various: yeah-h-h! is that safe? oh, y. ahh! not at all. no, ma am. nope. and more people than ever are enjoying romantic getaways. (romantic music) that s gross priceline. every trip is a big deal. is it to carry cargo. greatness of an suv? that s gross or to carry on a legacy?
that he does in order to give witnesses cover to cooperate with his committee, don. pamela brown with our breaking news tonight. pamela, thank you so much. thank you. congressman steve king posting a meme to facebook, to his facebook page, claiming red states would beat blue states in a modern-day civil war. but it gets a lot more offensive from there. e no man behind. or child. or other child. or their new friend. or your giant nephews and their giant dad. or a horse. or a horse s brother, for that matter. the room for eight, 9,000 lb towing ford expedition. with 25 million bookable [can we switch sides?] [yeah!] in hotels. [maybe, like tilt] resorts. homes and more. [you got it?] [oh that s good, yeah]
care about school, as you guys all know. reporter: also charged, felicity huffman who starred on desperate housewives. she s accused of other the other approach allegedly paying $15,000 for a third party to report to proctor their daughter s s.a.t. and secretly correct her answers. huff mapp appearing in court tuesday before posting a $250,000 bond. her husband, actor william h. macy, has not been charged in the scheme but was in court taking notes throughout the hearing. now singer could face up to 65 years in prison for this. no students have been charged in this case but authorities say they haven t ruled out arrest in the put it future. universities haven t been charged either, many of them expressing major disappointment saying their victim and usc opened its own internal investigation. john and alisyn. let s bring in frank brunny,
to foster compromise is sort of a ruse to begin with. you have the president going to el paso tomorrow to just create another fight. it s one of the safest cities in the country. there s not a lot of support for the president there to begin with and now you have congressman beto o rourke positioning himself at the exact foil the president wanted to begin with. posting a duelling rally that s you know, propelling everything that the president is against. this is the fight the president wanted. you know, i spoke to sources last week who said the emergency declaration is already drafted and they re prepared to take that measure. yeah. quick. i was going to ask the question, what needs to happen in the next five days? but it s actually really the next 24 hours considering this has to be in front of congress to get written up, approved, voted on. the next 24 hours, what s most critical? come to agreement and draft the legislation.