show. i am jewish. so am i. shake on that. absolutely. we are on tv. of course, we are jewish. we didn t do the secret handshake, though. can t do the secret handshake. so got [bleep] to sleep. we have a special goodbye to someone and possibly the postgame wrapup from mike baker.
after the oiledder brother was cast alongside justin timberlake in chasing tails. soon after, the band broke up. younger brother kyle died dyed his hair and fell into a dark, sexual underworld, proitding explicit dances for cheap. [laughter] that s absolutely tragic. and you were laughing. you were laughing at his misery. it was the fact that the raccoon was grinding his genitals against a window. literally. how can you laugh? clearly his genitals against the window. you asked me and i told you. i want to see chasing tail. greg: i hope so. we have to move o. we have to close out with the postgame wrapup. i hope you have some jokes.
sober? i am glad for this because it explains why i had 3 four dogs in my bedroom this morning. i didn t return them. but it made for an excellent breakfast. terrible joke. military commissions. bad joke. deep fried. shut up. we all love pets. we can kill bill later. we ll be back with the postgame wrapup. and for a quick
franklin s achievements. according to history, he lived with a unicorn. but it didn t work out because he was a huge, jerky-jerk face. must have been dating an historian. our high bid is $151 from rand frecrocksville, tennessee. and you can email a higher bid to red eye. as you know, the moan goes to taps, a nonprofit group that provides grief counseling and support to families of fallen soldiers. and the really message,s not about charity, it s about me. kibench press 300 pounds. we will close things out with a postgame wrapup.
the show. email your bid to red eye. eight money goes to taps, a nonprofit that provides grief counseling to families of fallen soldiers. go to to learn more. it is not about charity. it s about me, because i care. i don t care, i like to pretends i care because it gets me the checks. we will close out with the postgame wrapup with andy levy. nationde insurance. what s up ?