London Stock Exchange Group (LON:LSEG – Get Rating)‘s stock had its “hold” rating reissued by Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft in a report released on Friday, reports. They currently have a GBX 7,500 ($100.63) price target on the stock. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft’s price target indicates a potential upside of 3.39% from the stock’s current price. Several […]
London Stock Exchange Group plc (LON:LSEG – Get Rating) declared a dividend on Thursday, March 3rd, Upcoming.Co.Uk reports. Investors of record on Thursday, April 28th will be given a dividend of GBX 70 ($0.94) per share on Wednesday, May 25th. This represents a yield of 1%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, April […]
Shares of London Stock Exchange Group plc (LON:LSEG – Get Rating) have received a consensus recommendation of “Buy” from the eight analysts that are covering the firm, MarketBeat reports. One research analyst has rated the stock with a hold rating and seven have given a buy rating to the company. The average 1 year target […]
<p><org idsrc="" value="CME">CME Group</org><span>, the world s leading derivatives marketplace, today announced changes to its management team structure to position the company for long-term success.</span></p>