Brian O’Shaughnessy is Chair of Dinsmore & Shohl’s IP Transactions and Licensing Group. He is a past president of the Licensing Executives Society (USA and Canada), Inc. (LES), the leading professional society devoted to commercial transactions and licensing of intangible property. He continues to serve LES as senior vice president for public policy. He has extensive experience in a wide…
While the changes proposed by the PREVAIL Act are well-intended, due to the PTAB’s perverse incentive structure, it will only be marginally effective, and may have no real effect at all.
The USPTO has proposed several fee changes for implementation in 2025. If implemented, these changes will increase filing fees for Inter Partes Reviews (IPRs) and Post Grant Reviews.
The US Patent and Trademark Office seeks public input on proposed modifications to the rules of practice for inter partes reviews and post grant reviews before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board to align the practices with the PTO’s mission to promote and protect innovation.
PGR petition filings were up slightly over the prior USPTO fiscal year, but the long-term historical trend continues to show that PGR challenges remain relatively infrequent.