with roy moore. and this also throws something on the president. he s basically saying, you know, i believe roy moore. let him go and run this race. people are smearing him. this president also has what he considers smears on his reputation and his credibility when it comes to issues of s sexual harassment. we re still waiting for the president to file lawsuits against those who named him or made claims against him. there is a shift. but at the same time, those words from the leaders before still stand. and we understand what the president is doing. you see it playing out perfectly well. i do want to say mitch mcconnell s position agens of t weekend seems to be a little different. he seems to think that the people of alabama will decide. i m not sure where he ll be if moore wins. so moore could be in jeopardy inside the senate. caitlin, to billy bush specifically, do you think now,