Shreyas Talpade recently visited Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai where he announced the start of the filming of Poshter Boyz 2. He is presenting the film, which is a sequel to the 2014 Marathi film Poshter Boyz. Dilip Prabhavalkar, Hrishikesh Joshi and Aniket Vishwasrao will once again reprise their roles. A 25-feet tall poster of the film was launched in Plaza Cinema in Dadar.
Shreyas Talpade, who is known for his work in Marathi and Hindi film industry, spoke about the sequel to his 2014 Marathi film 'Poshter Boyz' starring Dilip Prabhavalkar, Hrishikesh Joshi, Aniket Vishvasrao in lead roles and Pooja Sawant, Neha .