It was an historic win for the PS party this weekend, with the party winning an absolute majority in the elections, some 13 points above PSD, while the Chega.
Nine parties and 230 members of the parliament from the left to the right-wing are running to the upcoming elections. Find out the main political parties'.
The Government has recommended that voters who are in mandatory confinement due to Covid-19, vote on January 30 between 6:00pm and 7:00pm, advising other.
Nursing home voting By TPN/Lusa, in News · 15-01-2021 15:25:00 · 0 Comments
Elderly residents living in nursing homes can vote for the presidential elections in the institution where they live, but must register on the platform for early voting by 17 January, the Government announced.
The Assistant Secretary of State and Internal Affairs, Antero Luís, clarified at a press conference that people living in Residential Structures for the Elderly (ERPI) are equated to confined for the purposes of voting exercise . It s not that they re confined, but for voting rights purposes they re considered confined and that means they ll be able to vote in the same way as those who are truly confined and therefore mean they can vote where they re habitually living, he said. Antero Luís stressed that this is another opportu