The most expensive places to buy and rent By TPN/Lusa, in Business, Property · 05-02-2021 01:00:00 · 0 Comments
With Covid-19 pandemic leaving its mark on society and the economy, Idealista has carried out a study, in which they analysed the most expensive and sought-after municipalities to buy and rent a house in Portugal.
In order to carry out the different rankings, the average price of residential properties in the municipalities with more than 500 advertisements on Idealista, the largest real estate marketplace in Portugal, both for sale and for rent, per square metre (m2), between October and December 2020, as well as the average total price of the advertised houses, were considered.
Portugal ranked 68th in the response to the pandemic By TPN/Lusa, in News · 30-01-2021 08:00:00 · 0 Comments
Portugal ranks 68th in the response to the Covid-19 pandemic in 98 countries, according to a study published by the Australian Lowy Institute.
The study, which places New Zealand first (with a score of 94.4 out of 100), Vietnam second and Taiwan third, gives Portugal a score of 38.9, just below countries like Canada and Israel.
After Portugal come countries like Belgium (35.6), France (34.9), Russia (32) and Spain (31.2).
The United States (17.3), Iran (15.9), Colombia (7.7), Mexico (6.5) and Brazil (4.3) are the countries with the worst responses to the pandemic, indicated the same study.
Lisbon Marathon and ‘Half’ on World Athletics’ official calendar By TPN/Lusa, in Sport, Regional · 29-01-2021 01:00:00 · 0 Comments
The Lisbon Half Marathon, with an exceptional edition in September, and the Lisbon Marathon, in October, are the two main Portuguese races that are part of the international road racing calendar, released by World Athletics.
Besides these two races, also on the list is the Luso half-marathon (Vasco da Gama Bridge), which is held on the same day as the Portuguese capital’s marathon, on 17 October.
In total, there are 191 races, in 49 different countries, to receive the ‘seal of approval’ of the international federation of the sport, starting already on 31 January in Japan, with the Osaka women’s marathon.
What has happened to the Covid press conferences? By Daisy Sampson, in News, Health · 29-01-2021 01:00:00 · 1 Comments
The Portuguese government has been questioned as to the lack of recent press conferences from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) in relation to the Covid-19 crisis.
At the time of going to press the DGS had not held a press conference for three weeks, however the government has assured that the situation surrounding the pandemic continues to be relayed to the public and that they are “always looking for the best way” to communicate Covid-19 situation in the country.
“If we do a lot of press conferences we are criticised, because we do a lot of press conferences and we are exhaustive. If we don’t do it, then we are also criticised. We are always looking for the best way”, said the