Go forward. We are working through the ceqa review that really is based on Historic Resource he evaluation report and we are trying to finalize the lease terms with your very hard working staff. Once we get the lease approved, which we would hope, including the board of supervisors will be early in 2015, we will start to work on pulling our permits. Once we pull our construction permits, the construction period for those initial improvements is about six months. So, i thank you very much for listening and we are very happy to tell you anything in addition about the project or answer any questions you may have about the transaction. Thank you. Commissioners, good evening, jeffery bauer, port leasing manager. I thought we had concluded our lease negotiations. [speaker not understood]. Okay. The lease provides for a term of 25 years. There is a 12month construction [speaker not understood] period in which no rent is paid. That can be extended under certain condition for another 12 months.
Has a disability problem. ~ deck the railing is in poor shape. It is not looking too well. We intend to do a full level of public upgrade to that area really to help integrate it into that waterfront promenade into the brannan street wharf. We will be upgrading the railing. Well be putting new decking in, lighting, new benches. We will have an outdoor even area adjacent to the restaurant which we think will liven it youre going to upgrade as far back as that gate there. That is correct. The rest of it has not been structurally repaired and really cannot be used. This is really more closer view of what those infill windows will look like as youre standing on that Public Access area and give you a sense of the ability to see in and have a different experience of the pier. Finally this is kind of the view right now. You can see what is supposed to be the Public Access area, the north side, the left side of the front facade there. And heres a rendered idea of what that would look like with
Improvements, commissions, total project cost is in excess of 10 million. That will be our investment in this. So, id like to show you what some of that money is going to look like from the outside. So, this is a picture actually taken from the brannan street wharf which shows the north facade of the pier actually adjacent to the public, to the future Public Access way. As you can see, its not in very good shape. Some of the [speaker not understood] has actually been removed. Its really in pretty rough shape. Where it says condemned . Condemned, exactly. Weve been scrubbing the paint. This is a close up of some of those openings. You can see that its not really a credit to the brannan street wharf or to the condition of the waterfront. Therefore, our intention is to repair that facade and put glazing into those very large, very gracious openings. We will do appropriate historic treatment which is actually to rollup the rollup doors where they still exist and protect them while creating
And we believe that they are prepared to recommend that that go forward. We are working through the ceqa review that really is based on Historic Resource he evaluation report and we are trying to finalize the lease terms with your very hard working staff. Once we get the lease approved, which we would hope including the board of supervisors will be early in 2015, we will start to work on pulling our permits. Once we pull our construction permits, the construction period for those initial improvements is about six months. So, i thank you very much for listening and we are very happy to tell you anything in addition about the project or answer any questions you may have about the transaction. Thank you. Commissioners good evening jeffery bauer, port leasing manager. I thought we had concluded our lease negotiations. [speaker not understood]. Okay. The lease provides for a term of 25 years. There is a 12month construction [speaker not understood] period in which no rent is paid. That can
Obstruction of justice charge. Bonds said, im thankful for the outcome and the opportunity to seek justice. Vic lee is on the story. Good for barry. Im happy for him. Im glad its gotten a result so he can move on. Its about time. Thats great news. I agree. Its been long enough. He should be in the hall of game. Bonds has been more active with his old team in the past year. He attended spring training. He helped younger players with their batting. This is a case thats dragged on for more than a decade. He wa linked to a sports drug lab on the peninsula called balco. And he was asked in 2003, if his trainer gave him anything that required a syringe. He was sentenced to 30 days at home all the while he appealed his conviction. The ninth Circuit Court of appeals did that bonds answer did not affect the case against balco. We interviewed scott osler. He was not surprised. He said the conviction was unfair. I had never heard him give any answer that wasnt round about and evasive. Thats just