Also recognizes that every sit en residing within the greater bay area has and continues to benefit from the ohlone aboriginal lands, founding in 1932. Its vitally important that we not only recognize the history of the tribal lands on which we reside but acknowledge and know the fact that they have established a working partnership with sfpuc can you call the first item, please do not a. Item number 3, approval of minutes of february 27, 2024. Okay, are tli corrections to the meeting . To these minutes . Let us open the minutes to public document, please. Remote callers raise your hands if you wish to provide comments on item number 3. Do we have anybody present want to go provide comment on item number 3. Seeing none, can we have a motion and a second to approve the minutes. Do we have any callers with their hands raised. Madam secretary, there are no callers who wish to be recognized. I didnt hear that, there are no callers, thank you. Seeing no more in cue for Public Comment, can i
Tomatoes and bell peppers appeared, the fruits of the migration of peoples, which the bulgarian colonists gave in novorossiya a conversation with an expert of the program competitor of odessa and taganrog how the seaport was built in mariupol we continue to talk about those peoples who settled in novorossia more than 200 years ago and whose descendants still inhabit this territory today , the bulgarians. Their largescale migration to the russian empire began during the russianturkish wars in the reign of catherine the great, so the turkish oppression bulgarian settlers fled to southern bessarabia , the current odessa region and transnistria , the then governorgeneral of the region, the duke would decided to call them incomparable for their ability to work in the difficult steppe climate, and the bolgars , who at the beginning of the 19th century became the governor of bessarabia, played the helm in the fate of the bulgarians. He achieved for them the same benefits as for the german set
As a very young man, he joined the ukrainian galician army. There, they were trained as scouts for saboteurs. And, of course, ukrainians organized monsters , 6,000 people were killed, they were detained and used in antisoviet activities. I have not met. Hello kirill vyshinsky, and this program is typical of novorossiya, our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots. He is novorossiya with the help a close look at history. We will try to reveal the originality of her present day, find both typical features and recognizable signs of the past. And thats what well talk about today. As in the steppes of kherson, tomatoes and bell peppers appeared , the fruits of the peoples migration, that the bulgarian colonists gave novorossiya a conversation with an expert of the program , a competitor of odessa and taganrog inhabit this area to this day bulgarians. Their largescale migration to the russian empire began during the russianturkish wars d
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Accustomed to watching the video stopped working , install, open, watch russian channels and all movie series and cartoons and documentaries. Hello. Kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is a program typical of novorossiya, our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots with the help of a careful look at history. We will try to reveal the originality of her present day, find both typical features and recognizable signs of the past. And thats what well talk about today. As in the steppes of kherson, tomatoes and bell peppers appeared, the fruits of the migration of peoples, which the bulgarian colonists gave in novorossiya a conversation with an expert of the program competitor of odessa and taganrog how the seaport was built in mariupol we continue to talk about those peoples who settled in novorossia more than 200 years ago and whose descendants still inhabit this territory today, the bulgarians. Their largescale migration to the ru