Avon is located west of Indianapolis in Hendricks County. Court records there did not reflect any charges had been filed against Clark.
However, a posting on the Avon Police Department s Facebook account on Friday morning indicated a report was received Thursday that Clark reportedly attempted to meet up with an underage child to potentially engage in sexual conduct here in Avon.
The posting included what was apparently a photograph of the Portland police officer, which appeared to be from a video recording.
The video shows members of a local group of vigilantes who had posed online as a juvenile angrily confronting Clark about his alleged plans to meet with a 14-year-old girl.
Did you know today is BLUE MONDAY? Some British psychologist came up with the idea. It s supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. Middle of January. Debt from the Holidays. Broken New Year s Resolutions. You get the idea. To help you through your Blue Monday, we will lean into it and play ya some BLUES. Let s bring back this fantastic original blues song Officer Al Guisto from the South Portland Police Department.
According to the