The traffic lights display a little bicycle symbol on the green, yellow, and red lights. Before the flow of traffic continues in the direction of the bicycle lane, the bicycle traffic signal will have an extended green light so they can get moving before the automobile traffic does
The traffic lights display a little bicycle symbol on the green, yellow, and red lights. Before the flow of traffic continues in the direction of the bicycle lane, the bicycle traffic signal will have an extended green light so they can get moving before the automobile traffic does
After backlash from Winchell neighborhood residents the City of Kalamazoo is scrapping plans for Edge Lane Roads and will install sharrows near Asylum Lake.
After backlash from Winchell neighborhood residents the City of Kalamazoo is scrapping plans for Edge Lane Roads and will install sharrows near Asylum Lake.
After backlash from Winchell neighborhood residents the City of Kalamazoo is scrapping plans for Edge Lane Roads and will install sharrows near Asylum Lake.