Five Republican state central committee members are suing and demanding the chairman step down. But Chairman Bob Paduchik said the group is working with a far-right dark-money organization to "destroy the Ohio Republican Party".
Despite two different pieces of legislation seeking to ban the practice and a nationwide movement against teaching race's impact on history and society, the state says they haven't heard a public outcry.
WASHINGTON Tom Zawistowski didn’t see “thugs” or “terrorists” among the crowd he joined Wednesday outside the U.S. Capitol during what some are describing as an attempted coup to block the election of Democrat Joe Biden.
The head of the We the People Convention and the Portage County Tea Party and onetime candidate for Ohio Republican Party chairman told The Columbus Dispatch that the majority of people he marched alongside were peacefully voicing their opposition to election results, not trying to violently overthrow the government.
Yet at the same time he justified the actions of the minority who were not peaceful.
Ohio protesters say violence at the Capitol is unacceptable
Some central Ohioans who traveled to the nation s capital on Wednesday said they were part of peaceful protests and were surprised by the violence that erupted after they left the Mall.
Aaron Carpenter arrived with his father at about 7 a.m. on the Mall in Washington, D.C. The Marysville City Councilman, a passionate Trump supporter, was given VIP seats close to the front of the stage where Trump and others spoke.
Afterward, he and his father joined the march to the Capitol, which he recalled as peaceful, marred only by some carrying banners or signs with obscene messages against the Nov. 3 election and Biden s victory.