Port Hawkesbury Town Councillors want to travel to Halifax to meet with officials from the Department of Municipal Affairs. During last night’s regular monthly meeting of Port Hawkesbury Town Council, DMAH confirmed they are reviewing the town’s request to allow residential developments of seven or more units within the town’s…
Port Hawkesbury Town Councillors say they continue to field traffic complaints about speeding, loud mufflers, and tractor trailers parked along Reeves Street. Inverness County District RCMP Staff Sergeant David Morin told last night’s regular monthly meeting of Port Hawkesbury Town Council that his members have been dealing with more requests…
Port Hawkesbury Town Councillors say they are getting a lot of questions about a survey of residents regarding the Destination Reeves Street project. Town Councillor Hughie MacDougall told last night’s regular monthly meeting that he’s received questions from family, neighbours, and co-workers who were contacted as part of the phone survey, and said he is