he had not done enough to sell back the build back better bill, they changed tactics to get it done through the house and not yet the senate. the president is on the road more and he s going to kansas city tomorrow. we heard from him talking about prescription drug plan. a lot of medicare and negotiate prices. tell us more about that and why democrats think it s a winning argument? we know it s a big concern for voters across the board and many republicans who actually helped biden win. this is something progressives are on board with and he s hoping that republican voters will say that this will help them to push lawmakers for this bill. so that s where i was going to go next was the idea of the timeline. we heard from senate majority schumer, he wants to get done for christmas. president biden responded to a set of questions about the time.
of the banking. just who these actual investors are because there are more questions than answers right now. about a monthing monthing a it looked like a scheme. it was something of a concern. she pointed to a meeting she believes possibly taken place before all of this was announced. the sec got some clarity on what exactly happening. scheme, trump? do we have a timeline for this? it s not yet clear because we have not heard from trump s world in terms of getting the information requested. the president is responding to some democrats and felt like
de-escalation? i don t think you ll get any resolution or de-escalation that quickly. russia is going to try to paint itself as the victim, as the aggrieved party. western machination to paint themselves as the victim. on the american side you will see two approaches of the same kind, you may call it honey and vinegar. the vinegar will be economic sanctions and military aid for ukraine, beefing up our nato. i think the honey will be offering the russian s greater diplomatic possibilities. perhaps mutual troops withdrawal back from the border. a new approach discussing european security at large. the president is going to put both on the table and trying to
inspector general. he claims they didn t have the training to quickly respond the day of the insurrection. he writes every letter in the d.c. guard wants more. he goes on to call flynn and pyatt liars for their categorization of the events of that day. flynn and pyatt didn t respond to messages from politico seeking comment. an army spokesperson tells nbc news the army s actions on january 6th have been well douchlted, and lieutenant flynn and lieutenant pyatt have been open, honest, and thorough with their sworn testimony to congress and doj investigators. a meeting is set between president biden and putin as tensions continue to escalate over ukraine.
negotiation if you like and what they do in the months or maybe years ahead. jonathan, the reality for president biden is that president putin can keep this tension going for maybe a year, maybe two years. president biden needs in the long term to find a way to not get pulled back into this again and again, jonathan. yeah. we just saw, keir, while you were talking, images of the two leaders in the summit in geneva. there was real hope for that. i was in the room when the two men met. there was hope that this would put putin away, put him in a box, deal with him early, and move on to other aspects of the foreign policy agenda. that s clearly not the case as we know putin, of course, has an obsession as you described to me with ukraine. suppose a resolution is not readily apparent today. how could this play out, and what do you sense from the people we talked over there on