This question surfaced when the court was considering a petition moved by a man who was accused of committing offences punishable under the Pocso Act and of the of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act) both pertaining to possessing and/or transmitting child pornography.A sp
because of his utterance, and it turns out democrats will agree with the fact that parents shouldn t be deciding what teachers should teach in school. parents should be involved in that. and i think the good thing because parents are getting involved. in fact, parents are now running for school board all across the country. and throwing out a lot of school board members and the next step of course is they have to throw out the superintendent of the schools. that s where they haven t fixed that part yet. it s very hard to find superintendents. how do we reconcile on that? stick with that point for a moment. how do we reconcile that that s the narrative, that s the play, how do we reconcile you as the dad say hey, i want my kid to learn about rosa parks and me as a dad goes no, we don t need that book in the school. or we can look at a statue of david in high school or eighth grade, michelangelo s david, and you say that s pornographic and i say it s not. so now we ve got all the paren
kind of pornographic? pornographic even to th point they were sendin pornographic photos. with each other from the church some things are hard to see oh, and, most important everything stopped the day she disappeared. no credit cards, no phones. i thought that was stron evidence that she was in fac dead and not in fact missing and her last conversation with a family member was - she went out of the circumstances she was in but she wasn t going to leav her baby behind. and then, there was this. one of those sermons posted on youtube just a month before marie vanished and now in the evidence file whenever someone is backstabbing me, lying about me, gossiping about me, trying t tear me down or whatever - you know what i want to do my feeling say choke the lif out of them. [laughs] is that what the pastor did too marie? the detective spelled out their case