Boudin and boudin blanc may have similar names, but these two regional sausages are not the same. Let's explore how these Cajun and French dishes differ.
Gilmore Girls to
Meet The Parents? As the trope goes, the older generation insists on getting together for a meal in the name of tradition while the younger generation does so grudgingly. Despite the delicious spread, nobody has a great time unless someone has controversial news to share. And then, hilarity ensues.
Ang Lee’s Taiwanese movie
Eat Drink Man Woman is no different. The opening scene shows Chef Chu (Sihung Lung) preparing an elaborate meal for his weekly dinner with his three adult daughters who live with him. This semi-retired chef catches a live fish from a pot of water outside his house, debones it, pats it with flour and dunks it into hot oil. He effortlessly takes a long piece of glistening squid meat and makes ridges of diamond cutouts on the flesh. He catches a chicken from the pen and slaughters it. He also cuts the roasted pork belly into bite-sized chunks, washes and cooks leafy green vegetables and makes dumplings from scratch. The scene is mesmerizing an