does por taend portend a lot of legal battles ahead. and as alan dershowitz has been saying over the last few days, it brings into focus that the checks and balances of the constitution have become very important. there are guard rails. the president and the executive branch cannot go beyond certain bounds. and what you have here is a national security argument being put forward by the government as it often does, in insisting that he has, the president can do whatever the hell he likes, versus the constitutional argument about the protection of rights here in this country. i don t, i m no authority on standing, but i do think it s worth pointing out, there are almost 100 companies, many of the biggest tech companies in this country who are arguing that this hurts them. right. and universities, there s no question of public universities being damaged by this to-ing and fro-ing and the chaos. i hope finally whatever comes down, if the courts rule in favor of washington state, i ho