Should Stop Multiplying
Should Stop Multiplying
INSISTING emphatically that Australia should be staunchly supported in her determination to exclude Asiatic races from her immigrants, Meredith Atkinson, in an article on “Australia’s Position,” appearing in The Nineteenth Century and After, adds that Australia by her courageous stand is taking a loftier view of world politics, born of the fact that she has no commercial interests to serve, no diplomatic past to live down, or foreign entanglements to escape. Her people are imbued by the sane, clean idealism that is constantly nourished by the nature of their social life, writes Mr. Atkinson. They have not yet been to school in international politics, and that may easily prove to their great advantage in the future. “The influence of such a nation,” he declares, “must be increasingly in the direction of elevating the whole tone of international action in that sphere and of securing that progressive co-op