Working toward viability, community media need to create good operational and management models. This handbook offers guidelines and examples of best practices for community media viability, highlighting the experiences of eight community media outlets in Ecuador with varied structures and financing sources. These media outlets helped define the processes and develop the tools outlined in this publication so that they, as well as community media elsewhere, can use them to become more viable. The handbook is based on a collaborative project that took place between 2016 and 2019 with the Ecuadorian media network - The Coordinadora de Medios Comunitarios, Populares y Educativos de Ecuador (CORAPE) - and Deutsche Welle (DW) Akademie. CORAPE works to strengthen the network of community, popular, and educational radio stations in Ecuador in their efforts to provide access to information to vulnerable populations, especially in indigenous languages. One central line of this project wa
November 25, 2020 The choice of digital tools will condition how radios communicate, and this, necessarily, will lead to an in-depth debate about the power of community communication to improve people s living conditions. This manual from DW Akademie is designed to offer community media outlets practical digital tools and strategies to allow them to continue to serve their audiences, as well as to navigate future challenges, in an uncertain post-coronavirus environment. The tools and strategies are meant to facilitate better and safer use of the internet for broadcasting and offer new opportunities for decentralised and collaborative forms of working - all in an effort to meet the information and communication needs of the communities they serve.