the civilians qaddafi must go. we cannot live with qaddafi any more. 42 years is more than enough. geraldo: do you approve of then, mr. ambassador, american nato and or other arab forces on the ground in libya? foreigners coming to invade your country to get rid of the dictator? they are not invading our country actually. we asked them to come to help us. so you approve of it, you want us to move in there with boots on the ground despite the fact that the president is saying well, the boots on the ground maybe it would be a little bit of a problem because i think what the libyan people need now, they need the protection from the air and they need the strategic point and forces of qaddafi to be tracked. if it happened, i think the libyans will be able to take care of that.
is it just qatar and the uae? why isn t egypt and saudi arabia heavily involved in this? if we don t have a very strong arab presence that the arab league supported then qaddafi starts saying it is the crusaders again. i think the congressman is bringing up important things nationally that we have and will are also some very important international contributions. geraldo: christian whiten, former u.s. state department official. when do you think we should have gone in? ambassador bolton making the point that he wished we would have had the no fly zone a month ago. a lot happened in the month. the rebels had the initiative to one where we are are defending the stronghold. the president has been very unclear and only increasingly so lately. i think he said we should protect the civilian population. he wants qaddafi to be held to account. those are more sentiments than
brits do not have stealth aircrafts. if you had the f-22s in there you would not have had to do this. the fact it because they will bear the brunt for a lot of reasons, and they can probably talk to you more about the political reasons than i can, the french and the bits are leading this and they will be flying the come pat air patrol and apparently are going to be flying ground attack missions. this is where it will get dicey because we are going to need to have assets like global hawk there that can help differentiate between the revolutionaries as they call themselves and qaddafi s forces. geraldo: general, let me take a quick break.@@
the small mission on the ground, that is something different. but we geraldo: do you think he is taking advantage already with his call to the libyan people to defeat the crusader invaders? well, i think qaddafi has been lying to the people for the last 42 years and then just responding and making big lies when said that the former minister, he quit the position and he joined in the gain. and then he came out and the former came out and he just said that. i think people they don t take the position of qaddafi serious any more. and we expect all of these lies to happen and i think the international community they are are aware of that. geraldo: i want to by the end of the season i want to get a con street statement from you on what exactly you would request of the international community, mr. ambassador because presumably you will be part of a new libyan government
former united states ambassador to the united nations. ambassador bolton you coat welcome, first of all. you said that the administration approach to this crisis is pathetic. would you modify that statement in light of the massive strike today against the forces of qaddafi? no, i think our military has performed magnificently as it typically does. the idea of enforcing a no fly zone i think made a lot of sense 30 days ago when it may have tipped the balance against qaddafi and allowed the rebels to eliminate him from power entirely. i still five territories today but im i still favor it today. we are in a situation of potential confusion where our forces could be at risk and not obtain what i think is the clear objective we should be having which is removing qaddafi from power. geraldo: don t you think the fact that the french, the british, the arab emrates,