Tech takedown. President trump signing an executive order effectively banning tiktok from operating here in the u. S. The order goes into effect in 45 days unless those apps are sold by their Chinese Companies 35 billion off wechat overnight in hong kong this is a nearly 700 billion company. Perhaps more surprising that its been able to fly under the radar for so long. A ban could get very messy because tencent is far more intertwined with American Business than tiktok theres the sheer scale of tence tencent. Fallout could touch sports to. Tencurre tencent has a deal with the nba to stream games in china theres also American Businesses operating in china relying on the app like starbucks, disney, mcdonalds the socalled super app is where a billion active users in china can shop, spend, stream, game much more within a single app. For that reason, apple and google could also sufficient if users switch because they cant access tencent apps. Talk is turning to how the chinese might retalia
And thats what weve been seeing across the d. C. Region. Weve been reporting on water main breaks across the reej yop. Wfsc respomd todd over 60 the last self days and its affecting schools in our area over in montgomery out county as well as fairfax county. And what happened was, over the twoweek winter break, these buses like the the ones behind me here, they have been sitting outside in the frigid temperatures for you know the last two weeks or so. And when students return to school yesterday some of these buses wouldnt even start. Some stalled and were told out of 8700 biss routes in county, 200 bus routes were affected and it left hundreds of students waiting outside in the cold for up to an hour. Remember it was in the low teens just like today. This morning except winds this morning and yesterday as well. Today theyll have extra hands on deck ready to help out. They say parents and s can check on bus routes delays. Its and checked it this morning up to date and no delays. Its da