[boots hitting floor] [bells ringing] lean on me. When you are not strong [helicopter propeller] the Coast Guard Foundation gave me funds to attend school. During that same time, my wife was pregnant. The foundations grant allowed us to buy food, diapers, clothing. [helicopter propeller] Coast Guard Foundation really helps us to keep in touch with our families. They make an impact and it leaves an impression that you dont forget. I would like to thank the Coast Guard Foundation for helping out when times were tough. [helicopter propeller] [male announcer] because sometimes, even the rescuers need to be rescued. The Coast Guard Foundation. Proudly supporting the men and women of the United States coast guard and their families. Find out how you can help at rescue the rescuers dot org welcome to mosaic mosaic going on now through november 20. I am angela pollock, the director of Young Adult Ministry for the archdiocese of san francisco. Joining me today is father mark doherty. Is a vecto