Hyderabad police on Tuesday foiled an attempt by Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav Samiti to take out a bike rally to oppose what it calls restrictions being imposed on immersion of idols of Lord Ganesh in Hussain Sagar lake.Three days ahead of the .
Religious fervour and gaiety marked Ganesh Chaturthi in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.Thousands of idols were installed by people in towns and villages across both the Telugu states.The 10-day festivities began with pomp and gaiety. Hectic .
Authorities in Hyderabad this year will allow immersion of Ganesh idols made by Plaster of Paris (PoP) only in baby/artificial ponds and not Hussain Sagar Lake this year.The Supreme Court had last year allowed immersion of PoP idols for the .