of ukraine about her, she s a bad ambassador, she s going to go through something, she did say she did feel in fact that she had been smeared. jesse: poor baby. when obama got into office he fired all the ambassadors and replace them at will. under obama, ambassadors were coming back in body bags. now everyone is upset because one got fired. so what? people get fired all the time, doesn t make a difference. witness tampering? really? schiff colluded with the whistle-blower. that s witness tampering. bribery? what about when obama says pallets of cash to iran? more of a bride than this. freezing aid in a blink of an eye? let s go to court and you want to get him for obstruction? they are criminalizing everything. juan: let me interrupt you and take a look at this thought on tape and you can answer your point, jesse?
badly so the senate can then say he s not going to be convicted, can acquit him. he loves to be victimized as nancy pelosi said yesterday. oh, poor baby. dana: so they think the president wants to be impeached, but he s saying if you don t impeach or get rid of this, we can do other things. trace: he doesn t want to be impeached, this is reverse psychology from nancy and chuck. they know that they know the democrats want to impeach. nancy doesn t want it to happen. so they have to make it seem like trump wants it. oh, we don t want to do what trump wants. when bill clinton was impeached, his numbers went up big time because people understood the pain he went through and sided with someone that lied about sex. and they overreached. trump can do the same moves if he declassifieds the fisa applications and all the investigations are done and proves that the democrats
you see nancy pelosi trying very hard to pull back her rein for those calling for impeachment because they don t think it s necessary. we talk to those who say if they go down this route democrats will lose the house in 2020. a lot of those folks advising nancy pelosi, i imagine, they probably remember what happened in the 90s when the party in power tried the very same thing. and describe this in the playbook as donald trump and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. this is how democrats in the room describe what went down yesterday. orchestrated almost to oh, poor baby, point of view. came in to the room and said that i said that he was engaged in a cover-up and couldn t possibly, couldn t possibly engage in a conversation on infrastructure as long as we are investigating him.
you orchestrated to l almost poor baby point of view, he came into the room and said i said he was engaged in a coverup and he couldn t possibly engage in a conversation on infrastructure as long as we are investigating him. that s what happened this morning. it was very, very, very strange. when we got in the room, the curtains were closed, the president there was a place for him at the front so he could stand and attempt to tell us why he wouldn t do infrastructure. and of course then he went to the rose garden with prepared signs that had been printed up long before our meeting. the president was about ten minutes late coming in. and what i noticed was there was no chair set for where he regularly sits.
to that secret room to read the memo. it s in a secure location. and outside of the intel committee, as far as we are reporting is telling us, only one, count em one democrat has bothered to even look at the memo. joining us now, republican congressman sean duffy and congressman chris stewart who have both reviewed the memo. great to see you. you guys have to work for a living, working friday nights, just like i am. you guys used to go home on the weekends, everyone in town. good to see you both. we re probably working tomorrow and sunday, you get to go home. laura: poor baby, sean. you cut enough wood in wisconsin this season, anyway, you don t have to cut any more. let s talk about what you saw in this memo, i know it s classified. however, 140 of your fellow members have seen it, only one democrat. does that surprise you that democrats have such a stunning lack of curiosity about its