Poonam Pandey and her husband Sam Bombay face a ₹100 crore defamation case for their fake death stunt, accused of trivialising a serious disease and playing with the trust of millions of Indians.
Poonam Pandey and her husband Sam Bombay have been slapped with a Rs 100 crore defamation lawsuit over a fake death stunt. The lawsuit has been filed by Faizan Ansari, who accuses the couple of orchestrating a 'false conspiracy of death' and trivializing serious illnesses like cancer for their own publicity gains.
Poonam shared another video and captioned it: “I feel compelled to share something significant with you all - I am here, alive. Cervical Cancer didn’t claim me, but tragically, it has claimed the lives of thousands of women due to lack of knowledge on how to tackle this disease.”
Poonam Pandey's husband Sam Bombay stands by her amid massive backlash and expresses support for her unconventional approach. Find out more about their marital status and the controversy surrounding Poonam's alleged death due to cervical cancer.