chinatown and dc, and even more boxes at the universitys f pennsylvania, and documents strewn all over his garage floo rkr where he parks his corvette and which is secured by only a garageor door that. is paper thin and open. most of the timeump also. trump also said he has been summoned to appear at the federal courthouse iurthousn miami, florida, next tuesday. another quot ie i never thought it was possible that such a thing could happen to a former unite president of the ud states. i am an innocent mann innoce, hd this is indeed a dark da sy forf the united states of america. matthew whitaker is the former acting attorney generaorney gelr former president trump. he joins me now with reaction. first first of all, just your in reaction to what the formet jur president just said. this is a dark day for this nation. yeahs, harris, good to be with you. it s a really sad day for our countrd da y. i mean, if you believe ine the rule of law and if you believe in equal justice
here. harris this being reported by another networkeing rep, this report. we understand that apparently anthat app at mar-a-lago allegey drained the residence pooless ma and then in the process managed to flood the room where video surveillance equipment we re talking about servers were held and stored, flooding. that room would then appears el to damage those servers, thus thg the opportunity to go back and look at that video information. itfromt if you look at it from the doj s perspective, they say what was suspicious. it happened a couple of months after they were there. but what s also unusuaunusual,ld may recall president trump made the argument that thist this ple is secure. i have video surveillance of every square inch of tha mar-a-lago. he said something to that effectbefore before. nd and shortly after the visit f by the doj and the fbibi. ppened and so it is curious that this has happened. we continuolloe to follow this element of the story, because if that is part of what