The ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu on Saturday organised a state-wide protest, led by party's youth wing secretary and MLA, Udhayanidhi Stalin, against imposion of Hindi. Udayanidhi Stalin is the son of Chief Minister, M.K. Stalin, and wields .
April 01, 2021 23:37 IST
There’s more than one claimant to the ruling party’s traditional bastion of 57 Assembly seats in eight revenue districts.
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DMK leader M.K. Stalin made it clear at the beginning of the election campaign that his party would give a robust performance to prove that the western region was no longer an AIADMK stronghold.
| Photo Credit: Lakshmi Narayanan E
There’s more than one claimant to the ruling party’s traditional bastion of 57 Assembly seats in eight revenue districts.
The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) is making all-out efforts to demolish the hold of its principal adversary, the ruling All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK), over the western region of Tamil Nadu, a traditional bastion of the latter.