After a brief but beloved stint as a farmer in Missouri, former Ukiah Police Chief Chris Dewey returned to Mendocino County this year, where he is now serving as the Interim Chief for the Willits Police Department.
Soon after becoming Ukiah High School’s principal in 1987 (until 2005), Dr. Phil Gary became acutely aware of the school’s absence of knowledge about its own history and that there were no vehicles for scholarships or recognition of distinguished graduates. He addressed the issue to Charlie Myers, UUSD superintendent (1990-1996), and in 1994 a dedicated […]
One of the weapons used in a large fight at the Ukiah Skate Park Friday was "a homemade spear fashioned out of a metal wrought iron fence picket," the Ukiah Police Department reported.
One of the weapons used in a large fight at the Ukiah Skate Park Friday was "a homemade spear fashioned out of a metal wrought iron fence picket," the Ukiah Police Department reported.