Mohamed Hersi, Pollsmans Tours and Safaris newly appointed Director of Operations. [Maarufu Mohamed, Standard]
This Easter, Mombasa and Kenyan Coast is dead and lifeless without you good people. Dead and silent without you, beloved Nairobians. You may be considered noisy but what is life without some noise and happy faces? Nairobi is our capital city. While the Coast is laid back, Nairobians are the opposite, outgoing and also good spenders. They love fine things in life, love life and merry making.
We miss your colourful dressing all set for the beach and in all shapes and sizes. It has never mattered that you were a swimmer or not. Beach hotels are quiet this morning. The airport is dead silent so is SGR with lone askaris keeping watch. If it was not for cessation of movement, the entire Coast would be multi-coloured, painted red by upcountry Kenyans.