Sometimes, timing really is everything.
Carol Mattocks, the winner of this year’s Community Fabric Award for Individual leadership, learned just how true that warmed-over axiom is in 2018, when she worked as the founding chair of the Filling Station, the nonprofit outreach in Pollocksville that serves the needs of disadvantaged citizens across Jones County.
The Filling Station opened just two weeks before Hurricane Florence roared through the area, flooding much of Pollocksville, Trenton and other areas of the county. As one of the only local relief organizations functioning, it played a key role in feeding and clothing residents in the days immediately following the storm.
Like other areas of eastern North Carolina, Pollocksville’s recovery from Hurricane Florence has been slow but steady. The town’s progress will take one step forward Sunday with a public input session at the town boat landing to allow residents to voice their opinions on the Pollocksville “Floodprint,” a flood mitigation and recovery plan being developed in conjunction with the NC State University Coastal Dynamics Design Lab (CDDL).
The “Floodprint plan brings CDDL architects, scientists, engineers, graphic designers, and environmental planners to the table with Pollocksville officials to reimagine future plans for Main Street and other areas of the town, where homes and businesses were devastated by flooding during the 2018 storm.
Pollocksville charts long road to recovery with help of Coastal Dynamics Design Lab
Sun Journal (New Bern, NC)
Feb. 27 Like other areas of eastern
North Carolina,
Pollocksville s recovery from Hurricane Florence has been slow but steady. The town s progress will take one step forward Sunday with a public input session at the town boat landing to allow residents to voice their opinions on the Pollocksville Floodprint, a flood mitigation and recovery plan being developed in conjunction with the
NC State University Coastal Dynamics Design Lab (CDDL).
The Floodprint plan brings CDDL architects, scientists, engineers, graphic designers, and environmental planners to the table with