rolls between 2012 and 2018. allegations of voter suppression are nothing new in georgia. but a new analysis from the atlanta journal constitution found that the state is particularly good at making it hard to vote, especially for black voters. joining me now, the co-founder of black voters matter fund, la tasha brown. latasha, always good to see you. i do want to note at the very top that voter purge law was instituted in the late 90s by a democratic administration down there in georgia. but and this is a big but what we ve seen in georgia in the last few years are a number of poll places closing. a number of polling sites closing. and and people who might ve had to walk down the street to vote or go a mile away to vote, are now finding themselves ten miles or more away from a voting booth. and what they found in the atlanta journal constitution was that that affected black voters 20% more or a lot more than white voters.