your own opinions, you re not entitled to your own facts i think it was once said. and so there are people that don t even want to have this discussion in the democratic party. there are also people that want the democratic party to be the majority party again and to win congress. and to that, they have to become a national party. they ve got to win in alabama. they ve got to win in wisconsin. they ve got to win in washington state. they ve got to win in new york state. they ve got to win all over the place. so, i think this is a good example why some people don t even want to have a conversation around facts. i think the context of our conversation, too, the politics about alabama. the conversation around alabama and the polling around alabama is very different than you ll get in blue america. and that s something that anybody has to think about. i think, polling abortion is complicated. people hold seemingly duplicated views on this. i have found very few people are