look at that beautiful shot. time now for the must read opinion pages and joining us now is assistant managing editor from fortune magazine and author of the book end of the suburbs leigh gallagher, fortune s new issue lists the most powerful women in the corporate world. we re going to the event on wednesday. heading down there today. i ll see you there. we ll start with maureen dowd. she writes about a mad tea party and she writes how awful are ted cruz and his cruzettes? they have done the impossible. they have made americans look back at the bush ii era, the most reckless wrecking ball in american history. with relative nostalgia, with 78% of americans feeling blue about the country being on the wrong crack according to a new nbc news wall street journal poll they consider the gop s
there s the nontea party republicans that want out of this, anyway out of this but they need a figure leaf but harry reid and the president aren t ready to give them one. the latest nbc/wall street journal poll doesn t bode well for republicans. 53% of americans blame republicans for the shutdown. senator ted cruz was asked if his movement to defund obama care has done damage to the republican brand. here so. the polling has varied. the polling was very heavily weighted with an awful lot of democrats and awful lot of obama supporters and 20% of people polled were government workers. it s not surprising people who work for the government who are supporters of the president and democrats support the president are democrats and blame republicans for the things that are bad in this country. chuck todd, i m sorry hold on a second. i thought that it was october of
96. obama seemed until about a few days ago seemed to be in the tank as republicans. in a series of polls. there was an ap poll that now appears to be an outlier from every other poll. they are digging in. let me get to what you re talking about with ted cruz. sarah palin and ted cruz join demonstrators at the world war ii memorial protest over the shutdown and obama care. take a look. we re here to honor our vets. you look around, though, and you see these barricades and you have to ask yourself, is this anyway that a commander-in-chief would show his respect, his gratitude to our military? why is the federal government spending money to erect
replaces sequestration with mixed mandatory spending cuts and a couple of revenue increases. mark halperin right now the white house is thinking, why deal with them? the republican party has fallen to an all time low according to gallup, a poll that has been, you know, as we saw in the past, pretty pro republican poll. same thing with nbc/wall street journal poll. also says the republicans have reached an all time low. there s some at the white house that saw what happened this weekend with ted cruz and the rallies going good. good. let them dig into a position that s going to give us even more power in the future. i mean i don t see any deal being made.