Leader of Opposition in the Tamil Nadu assembly and former Chief Minister E. Palaniswami has said that there is no place for VK Sasikala and her family members in the AIADMK. Breaking his silence on Sasikala coming back to the AIADMK and taking over its reins as reported in the media following leakage of her voice clippings talking to the cadres, EPS said that some elements were creating confusion on this issue. Speaking to reporters at the party headquarters here, Palaniswami said, Sasikala is out of the AIADMK and she and her relatives don t have any place in the party. She has openly declared before the elections that she has moved away from politics. The voice clippings were her talk with the AMMK cadre but some elements are deliberately creating confusion and spreading wrong information.
Expelled AIADMK leader V K Sasikala, who is serving a jail term in a corruption case and has been hospitalised for COVID-19 is stable, according to the hospital where she is undergoing treatment. The symptoms have reduced and she is now stable, authorities at Victoria Hospital where Sasikala is being treated said on Sunday. Her sister-in-law J Ilavarasi, who is also serving a prison term in the corruption case, has tested positive for coronavirus and has been admitted to Victoria Hospital. In a bulletin issued by Dr C R Jayanthi, the Dean and Director of the Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, which manages Victoria Hospital, said the 66-year old Sasikala s symptoms have reduced and her condition is stable.