something that will always stay with me, especially coming from germany. james, finally, on the relationship between united states and cuba. it is a fascinating one, not least in its peculiarity. joe biden is chuck with the trump sanctions stuck with the trump sanctions stuck with the trump sanctions stuck with the trump sanctions. is it a diplomatic mistake, do you think, to keep a country like cuba under that embargo? keep a country like cuba under that embaruo? . , .,, ., embargo? there are people who say es, mr embargo? there are people who say yes. mr itiden embargo? there are people who say yes, mr biden should embargo? there are people who say yes, mr biden should re-adopt i embargo? there are people who say yes, mr biden should re-adopt what| yes, mr biden should re adopt what mr 0bama yes, mr biden should re adopt what mr 0bama did. yes, mr biden should re adopt what mr 0bama did, particularly- yes, mr biden should re adopt what mr 0bama did, particularly open