August 31, 2020 18:10
Organisers: the weekly analytical monitoring Belarus in Focus in partnership with Press Club Belarus, the Belarusian expert community “Nashe mnenie” and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (BISS).
Background: the political situation in Belarus in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential campaign is changing rapidly. The support for the political alternative in Belarus is stronger than ever in modern history. Electoral gains coupled with mass public protests across the country have never gone so far since Belarus gained her independence.
Today’s open questions include:
What Belarusian society has recently achieved?
What are the most likely scenarios for further developments in Belarus?
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Organisers: the weekly analytical monitoring Belarus in Focus in partnership with Press Club Belarus, the Belarusian expert community “Nashe mnenie” and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (BISS).
Background: the political situation in Belarus in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential campaign is changing rapidly. The support for the political alternative in Belarus is stronger than ever in modern history. Electoral gains coupled with mass public protests across the country have never gone so far since Belarus gained her independence. Today’s open questions include:
What Belarusian society has recently achieved?
What are the most likely scenarios for further developments in Belarus?